Tasmanian Lavender

Tasmanian Lavender

Tasmanian Lavender tea, crafted from the delicate blossoms of the lavender plant native to Tasmania, offers a range of soothing and therapeutic benefits. Known for its calming properties, this tea is excellent for reducing stress and promoting relaxation, making it a perfect choice for unwinding after a long day. The lavender in the tea is rich in antioxidants, which help to combat oxidative stress and support overall health. Additionally, Tasmanian Lavender tea can aid in improving sleep quality by alleviating insomnia and promoting a restful night’s sleep. Its mild anti-inflammatory properties also contribute to easing headaches and digestive discomfort. Enjoying a cup of Tasmanian Lavender tea provides not only a pleasant and aromatic experience but also supports mental tranquility, enhanced sleep, and overall well-being.

Regular price $4.00 AUD
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Tasmanian Lavender

Tasmanian Lavender

Regular price $4.00 AUD
Regular price $0.00 AUD Sale price $4.00 AUD